From the 13th to 16th of October SPE Regional Student Development Summit was held in Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS). Students and young specialists from Azerbaijan, Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan took part in the event, which was supported by BHOS. Students of Gubkin University visited Baku Higher Oil School and took part in SPE Regional Student Development Summit there.
On the first day rector of BHOS Elmar Gasimov delivered a speech. He said about the importance of participation in events and projects, which is getting organized by the Society. Also, Yaroslava Orlova, the coordinator of Russian and Caspian student and professional chapters, and Aydin Kerimov, the director of Azerbaijan SPE Chapter, said some words to participants.
The President of SPE Shauna Noonan visited the Summit and made a presentation for students. She said what the main goals of SPE are to promote the education of students and young engineers, to unite experienced petroleum engineers from around the world, to encourage them to do some scientific work together and to show the results and to hold some conferences, forums, summits and exhibitions with a view to exchanging experiences.
Also, students had a tour of the university during the Summit, where they could see the newest apparatus and laboratories, which are used in practical missions. Moreover, students knew how to make a CV, participated in discussions and after that they delivered their presentations about analysis of the current situation in oil and gas industry in one of the countries: Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and USA.
The Summit helped participants to get more complete impression about oil and gas industry due to communication with students from profile universities from Russia and Caspian countries, exchanging experiences, working on some collective technical projects and meeting with experts of the industry and with the heads of companies.
Besides, student of the Gubkin University visited technical sessions on the Caspian conference, met a lot of interesting people and had a conversation with specialists of oil and gas industry.