For as long as 16 years at our university the student chapter SPE has been carrying out international events of various formats, creating new projects, collaborating with major oil and gas companies and offering incredible opportunities to students of Gubkin University!
Every year the organization becomes more and more, new activists come, and the old ones do not forget and maintain warm relations with the chapter. Over 16 years, we have achieved a lot: countless awards and merit. The basis of such successes is not only incredible at first glance ideas and a close-knit team, but also hard work, sleepless nights, indescribable emotions and impressions.
We want to thank the faculty advisor of our chapter for his constant support and invaluable help in the most difficult situations! We thank the administration of Gubkin University, the Moscow section of SPE and the Moscow office of SPE for your confidence in us!
And of course, we cannot forget to thank our entire activist team, the large and friendly SPE family. Thank you, for your desire and initiative to create something new and amazing. Thanks to this, we know that we are moving in the right direction! Your burning eyes, those indescribable emotions and impressions, new discoveries and achievements — this is what inspires us all to go to success!