Traditional event called Gubkin Talks was held for the eighth time in Gubkin University on 24th of October.
«Gubkin Talks» is a project that allows students and professors to share their thoughts, actual ideas, interesting stories. Through this project, more than 50 students had a chance to share their stories with others. In order to participate in programme, it was necessary for students to submit an application which contained an information about the main ideas of the topic. Afterwards organizers looked through every application and made their decision. 7 speakers were selected during the competitive selection progress to perform in front of the great audience.
Student of the Faculty of Chemical Technology and Ecology Daniel Sulko was the first to perform at the conference. He explained why personal growth is so important for every person and what it means to him.
Then Diyaz Akhmerov, a 2nd-year student of the Faculty of Oil and Gas fields Development, shared his life experience of the trip on the cultural exchange program Work&Travel USA.
Student of master programme of the Faculty of Design, Construction and Exploitation of Pipeline Transport Systems Artem Koba told us on the example of Gogol’s method how to begin any activity and never stop doing it.
Deputy Dean for academic Affairs of the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of Oil and Gas Ilnar Hasanov tried to convey to the audience how important it is to understand the semantic value of each act and event in our lives.
Regina Zakirova, student of Geology and Geophysics of Oil and Gas Faculty, touched upon a vital topic for any person. She believes that everyone has good intentions inside, therefore they need to be realized for the sake of people who need it badly.
Maxim Medvedev and Vladimir Filinkov, students of Faculty of Engineering Mechanics, had a very interesting and philosophical issue — what kind of role information plays in our lives? Young men tried to analyze how advertising, various information sources and social networks can affect our everyday life.
All participants of the conference confirmed the importance of this platform, called Gubkin Talks, for expressing independent opinions and personal impressions and urged students to boldly declare themselves and their position.