The 11th International Youth Scientific and Practical Congress “Oil and Gas Horizons” was held from the 18th to the 21th of November 2019 at National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University» in Moscow and was being organized by Gubkin University SPE Student Chapter. The Congress is one of the most important projects of the Chapter, which students organize annually with the support of the university administration and oil and gas companies.
In 2019, the Congress was visited by students and graduate students from 22 universities from 15 countries: America, China, Indonesia, Serbia, Latvia, Bolivia, Uzbekistan, Colombia, Iran, Armenia, Romania, Poland, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. We would like to express our deep gratitude to the university administration, organizing committee, volunteers, sponsors and partners, guests of the Congress.
The Congress has been approved and supported by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and the World Petroleum Council (WPC).
The platinum sponsor of the event was the Eriell Group, the gold sponsors were the Schlumberger company and the Eurasia drilling company, the silver sponsors — the Rusvietpetro joint company and the Total company. Partners of the Congress were Halliburton, PJSC LUKOIL, Gubkin Universal Store. The event was supported by the magazines ROGTEC,, Priority, OGEL,, Oil and Gas Vertical, Oil Economy, Neftegazokhimiya, Pivot Point, Ecological Bulletin of Russia, Mineral Catalog, Drilling and Oil, Engineer and Industrialist Today, Scope. Oil and Gas, Runeft, Oil Gas Exposition.
On the first day, during the opening ceremony, the Vice-Rector for International affairs and Research of Gubkin University — Alexander F. Maksimenko, the Assistant Head of the Presidential Administration — Kirill Molodtsov, the Vice-president, Commercial Schlumberger, Russia and Central Asia — Artem Karapetov, the Vice-President of the WPC — Anatoly A. Zolotukhin, the Director of the RNC WPC — Vlada V. Streletskaya, the Director of the Moscow SPE section — Anton R. Ablaev, the Senior Regional Activities Specialist SPE — Yaroslava V. Orlova, the Student Affairs Chairman, Moscow SPE Section — Eleonora A. Belova and the Chief organizer of the Congress — Michael Ivlev addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. Speakers noted the key role of the new generation in the future of the oil and gas industry, spoke about the importance of such student events and wished all participants good luck in their upcoming performances.
The Congress program continued with a plenary session, the main theme of which was “Transformation of the Oil and Gas Industry”. Presentations were made by both representatives of oil and gas companies and teachers of Gubkin University. The scientific director of the Institute of Arctic Oil and Gas Technologies Anatoly Zolotukhin spoke about the plans of the Russian Federation for the development of the Arctic region and the challenges this zone poses to experts. Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor of the National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University» Lyudmila Studenikina spoke about the transformation of the global energy system. The Vice-president, Commercial Schlumberger, Russia and Central Asia Artem Karapetov presented the latest programs in the field of personnel organization and teamwork. The Head of information integration projects, Salym Petroleum Development N.V. Egor Ulyanov shared the experience of implementing digital projects in the fields. The moderator was Roman Chukov, the Chairman of the Board, Russian Center for the Promotion of International Initiatives.
Then the chief geologist, Salym Petroleum Development N.V., Mervyn Frumau gave lectures, where he talked about increasing the productivity of exploration in the West Siberian field using data on rock properties and the actual geophysical assessment of the formation.
At the end of the day, technical sessions were held where students presented their reports in several sections: Geosciences; Drilling and Completion; Oil and Gas Field Development; Smart Technologies; Exploration and Production of Oil and Gas (graduate students). Gubkin University students also presented their work in the framework of the Congress: more than 30 Gubkin students made presentations. The judges noted the novelty of the research in the works, as well as the relevance of the topics.
The second day of the Congress began with a technical lecture delivered by Victoria Fedorova, the Assistant of the Department of Strategic Management of the Fuel and Energy Complex. Victoria spoke about the role of liquefied natural gas in the international energy market. The technology allows countries such as Australia and Africa remote from large gas markets to enter these markets, and LNG technology contributes to the comprehensive development of the gas market.
At the same time, international and regional (Russia and the Caspian region) round tables were held, where representatives of 22 universities met. The meeting of SPE Student Chapters is one of the key events that is held to discuss the development of cooperation between universities and student chapters from different countries and cities.
On the second day, the technical sessions were conducted in the following sections: Storage and Logistics; Oil and Gas Transportation; Health, Safety, Environment; Oil and Gas Chemistry; Petroleum Economics and Management. And also two sections were held for graduate students: a section for the exploration and production of oil and gas and a section for oilfield services, marketing and processing of oil and gas. The largest number of participants spoke in the Health, Safety, Environment section. The judges appreciated the preparedness of all the speakers, and after a heated discussion they still chose the work that deserved prizes. It is worth noting that among the participants in the Congress were not only students of oil and gas universities. So, for example, a student at the Moscow Veterinary Academy came up with a work aimed at collecting data on environmental changes and minimizing damage to the flora as a result of pollution by oil and oil products.
The third day was full of events of various formats. Initially, for the participants of the Congress, the Head of Offshore Project Development of GazpromNeft Sakhalin Ltd., Alexey Fadeev, delivered a lecture on the topic: “Development of the Russian Arctic shelf: challenges and opportunities”. He spoke about the main successes of the Russian Federation in the development of the shelf, the creation of the latest equipment, as well as the methods and technologies used in the development. Alexey paid special attention to the impact of human activities on the environment and measures to minimize this impact.
In parallel, a presentation of poster presentations was held, at which six participants presented their works. As a result of all technical sessions, 70 students and graduate students presented their work. It should also be noted that representatives of more than 10 companies participated in the Congress as judges of technical sessions: Baker Hughes, Rusvietpetro, NOVATEK, Halliburton, Schlumberger, LUKOIL, Gazprom Neft, GeoSplit, Nuri Petrochemical Company (Borzue), Oil Industries Commissioning and Operation Company (OICO), Ingenix Group, as well as teachers of Gubkin University.
The technical case from Schlumberger was held. Vladislav Vlasov, the developer of the case, spoke about artificial lift technique, as well as about the installation of an electric centrifugal pump. Then the participants were given real production situations in which difficulties arose in their work. Based on these data, each team had to find a problem and the best way to solve it.
In parallel, the intellectual game PetroOlympic Games took place, this year the team of the SPE. The participants competed both in knowledge and in quick wit and teamwork. At the end of the game, the strongest two teams were offered a mini-case with technology related to alternative energy. Teams had to think over a strategy for the development and application of this technology.
It was possible to escape from the technical component of the Congress at the soft-skills skills fair, organized especially for participants in the Congress and students of Gubkin University. The aim of the fair is to help graduates of oil and gas universities find their own way in the oil and gas industry. To do this, the entire event was divided into blocks: how to improve your CV, what to bring to science, how to find an internship, blocks of the Society of Petroleum Engineers and the World Petroleum Council, as well as an open area for Gubkin Talks. Communication with the participants of the Congress took place in the form of a dialogue in which specialists answered all students’ questions of interest. For example, representatives of Halliburton and the Moscow Chapter of the SPE gave their advice on what should be added or changed in the CV provided by the participants. The event was attended by representatives of Halliburton, Cifra, Hilti, the Nuri Petrochemical Company (Borzue), the Moscow SPE Chapter, as well as young teachers from Gubkin University.
At the closing ceremony of the Congress, the winners of the technical sessions, the intellectual game and the technical case were awarded by the Vice-Rector for International affairs and Research of Gubkin University — Alexander F. Maksimenko, the Vice-Rector for Education — Marina Filatova, the Regional Director of Russia and Caspian Region SPE 2018-2020 — Ayzhana Dzhusupbekova, the Developer of the technical case and Schlumberger specialist — Vladislav Vlasov, as well as the Student Affairs Chairman, Moscow SPE Section — Eleonora A. Belova. The speakers noted the consistently high level of Congress, and also expressed hope that the participants gained valuable experience and became friends.
Within the framework of the Congress, a rich cultural program was prepared for all participants. Guests of the capital visited significant sights, in particular the Moscow Planetarium, Zaryadye Park, Sparrow Hills. Participants also walked along Red Square, and then climbed to the viewing point of the Central Children’s Store. Participants really liked Moscow, the diversity and beauty of architecture.